Monday, May 21, 2007

My 8 facts

I've been tagged! :-) I don't know anybody who hasn't been tagged, but I'll post my 8 facts anyway.


Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

My 8 facts:

1. I collect cat figurines and asian style teapots/teacups

2. I can be very lazy

3. I love salad with italian dressing and croutons

4. This year of school (my junior year) has been the hardest

5. I'm 17 yet I love playgrounds:-)

6. I have ridden Medusa (roller coaster) at Six Flags 6 times in two weeks!

7. I think moths are cooler than butterflies

8. I can function all day on 2 hours of sleep, and still stay up late the next night.

There you go!:-) Sorry I can't tag anyone though.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hello again

Well, I kind of forgot about this place!:-( I've been so busy (and that's not even an excuse!) It's true. In the next week, I have to get all my schoolbooks finished! I'm homeschooled but I still need to get enough credits so here's what I have to do:

Geometry: 2 chapters!
History: 1 chapter
Literature: 1 unit! (wow, even though it's my favorite subject, it's still hard to read that much in a week!)
Japanese: A lot. (I didn't get my book until last month so I need to get as much as I can done.
Photoshop: I don't really know. All I know is that my education specialist needs lots of samples.

UGH, this is crazy! But I can do it. Yes, even in a week. I know God's helping me a lot because I've never not been able to finish anything before. I'm very grateful for that. Now I need to make myself stop procrastinating and get to work. Hehe.

But, what I came here to post is that I probably won't be updating here much. I'm mainly on myspace so here's the link. I've I know you from a website I'll most likely add you as a friend, because I'm nice:-P.
I also just uploaded some artwork there!


Saturday, February 10, 2007

My first post

So for my first post I will celebrate by listing a few of my favorite things!:-D ...Please contain your enthusiasm;-)

I absolutely love:
small furry animals
the color green
The Door Within Trilogy
The Deptford Mice Trilogy
Harry Potter
DC Talk
Piano music
Vegetarian Sushi
fields of lush green grass
cold shallow rivers you can walk in
Uno (my favorite cat)
Tobiko (my other favorite cat)
Field Haven (a cat shelter;-) I'm a crazy cat person OK?)
Headbands (especially plaid ones!)
making funny videos
Japanese (language)

Now for some things I don't like:
hot weather
swear words
over use of chat speak
pincher bugs
snakes (I'm not affraid of them, I just don't really like them)
rap music
music with screaming
centipedes, milipedes, and other bugs with more than eight legs
most vegetables (yet I'm a vegetarian...)
the color pink is a picture for my very first post! I made it.

Well, I have church in the morning and it's late so goodnight everybody!